Monthly Archives: March 2015


“사이버 공간 공화국’을 위한 6자회담”


2015년 3월 14일

임마누엘 페스트라이쉬



아시아에 살고 있는 수많은 사람이 하루 중 많은 시간을 고국이 아닌 땅에서 보낸다. 확장 일로인 ‘사이버 공간(cyberspace)’이라는 땅에서다. 특정 국가의 컴퓨터나 스마트폰으로 사이버 공간에 접속하는 것은 맞지만 사이버 공간은 아시아를 넘어 전 세계가 공유하는 영토다.

근대 세계가 시작된 것은 17세기다. 스페인·포르투갈·영국 등 유럽 국가들은 대탐험의 시대에 아메리카·아프리카·아시아의 자원을 개발하기 시작했다. 이들 국가가 수립한 전 세계적 생산·분배 네트워크는 그들에게 압도적 우위를 선사했으며 오늘날 우리가 사용하고 있는 전 세계적 제조·분배 체제의 청사진이 됐다.

하지만 우리는 지구의 물리적인 한계에 다다랐다. 전과는 달리 심각한 결과를 낳지 않고서는 자원을 개발할 수 없다. 세계 인구가 90억 명을 향해 치닫고 있는 가운데 우리는 식량과 물을 확보하기 위해 허둥지둥 서로를 밀치는 경쟁에 나서야 한다.

사이버 공간은 우리에게 팽창, 탐험, 자아 완성을 위한 새로운 프런티어를 제시한다. 아직 개발 초기 단계인 땅이다. 이 땅은 자신을 정의하고 체계화하라고 고함치듯 요구한다. 인터넷이 창출하는 가상 공간은 거의 무한한 정보를 저장할 수 있다. 또 인터넷·인트라넷 네트워크의 다양한 정보 출처들을 상호 연결한다. 그 결과 모든 개인의 잠재력은 엄청나게 확장된다.

게다가 기술의 발전으로 향후 몇 년 안에 사이버 공간은 문자 그대로 생활 공간이 될 것이다. 이미 우리 아이들은 사이버 공간이라는 공유지에서 빌딩을 넘나들고, 산꼭대기에 오르고, 비행기를 날리고 있다.

하지만 그들이 탐험하고 있는 사이버 공간은 아직 ‘석기 시대’다. 관심과 우려가 비슷한 전 세계 사람이 모여들면서 점점 커져가는 온라인 공동체는 사이버 공간을 가장 가치 있는 ‘부동산’으로 만들고 있다. 사이버 공간의 ‘창조적 계급’이 새로운 체계와 서비스를 위해 어떻게 협업하느냐에 따라 미래 경제의 모습이 결정될 것이다.

하지만 아직 사이버 공간의 미래를 위한 정책 협의가 미흡하다. 최근 소니 해킹과 같은 사이버 테러가 빈발하고 있다. 사이버 공간을 관할할 글로벌 스탠더드가 필요하다는 것을 인식할 필요가 있다. 마치 남극대륙을 공동 관할하듯 말이다. 어쩌면 인류 역사에서 전례가 없는 새로운 형태의 규칙이 필요할 수도 있다. 사이버 공간을 위한 규칙을 제정해야 새로운 제도와 제품을 창출하는 시민들을 위협으로부터 보호해 이 신천지에서 그들이 잠재력을 최대로 구현할 수 있다. Read more of this post

The Seoul Institute launches project to fund projects related to “Small Research; Small Seoul”

I was impressed when Mayor Park changed the name of the Seoul Development Institute to simply the Seoul Institute. The significance was clear: there is no need to develop, to make things unnecessarily large.

And recently the Seoul Institute launched a  “Small Research; small Seoul “ project to fund “experts and activists interested in Seoul policy for discussions and the exploration of possible solutions. The project supports both meetings and also a network for communication. The project provides opportunities for research and policy suggestions regarding city policy aimed at citizens.”

Flying in the face of most government practice in which making things bigger and more impressive is perceived as an unmitigated positive, Mayor Park and his team has boldly suggested that being small can be a virtue. The city is moving away from ambitions in concrete of the previous two mayors and towards an emphasis on livability and sustainability, not monumentality.

 Link to the research project:








The Haechi and the Lion

The presence of China in Seoul is increasing at an exponential rate these days. Chinese news is increasingly on the front page and signage with Chinese characters is displacing English. As I noted in a recent post, signage in the garden of the Shilla Hotel is exclusively in Chinese.

Perhaps the site of the Haechi (a Korean mythical beast) statue in front of the central police station near Gyeongbok Palace and the Chinese lion in front of the Chinese Culture Center hints at the subtle shifts taking place.

But the replacement of English with Chinese at the Jjimjilbang sauna, or the decision of Gangnam fortune tellers to advertise in Chinese give full testimony to the depth of the changes.

The haechi that stands in front of the police station near Gyongbokgung Palace and the lion in front of the Chinese culture center.

The haechi that stands in front of the police station near Gyongbokgung Palace and the lion in front of the Chinese culture center.

English  explanations are covered up with Chinese at a local sauna.

English explanations are covered up with Chinese at a local sauna.

A fortune teller in Gangnam has written up the sign in Chinese, realizing there is more money to be made telling fortunes for Chinese tourists than for Korean girls.

A fortune teller in Gangnam has written up the sign in Chinese, realizing there is more money to be made telling fortunes for Chinese tourists than for Korean girls.

“Under the Dome” Remarkable Chinese documentary released about the air pollution crisis

“Under the Dome”

Remarkable Chinese documentary released about the air pollution crisis

柴静 雾霾调查 “同呼吸共命运”

The journalist and filmmaker Chai Jing 柴静 left her position at CNTV in 2014 to devote herself to producing a detailed documentary about air pollution in China at her own expense. This remarkable film, “Under the Dome: We Breath together and share a common fate” (Qiongding zhi xia: Tong huxi gong mingyun  穹顶之下 同呼吸共命运) presents a blunt and brutal assessment of the tremendous impact of air pollution on China today and its far-reaching implications for health and for society and culture as a whole.

When I watched the documentary, I was struck by the careful explanation of scientific and geological aspects of air pollution and the discussion of the impact of coal and other pollutants on the atmosphere.

The comparisons with other nations were also striking, suggesting a truly new sense of China’s role in the world.

The film opens with Chai Jing showing an ultrasound picture of her daughter before she was born and relating her expectations. Her daughter was born with a lung tumor. The film closes with a view of the earth from outer space suggesting just how small this globe it. Chai Jing imagines that although she might die and leave this world, her child would still be there on earth. The implication being that we cannot assume that just because we may avoid climate change, that our children will. Or more importantly, that we share our earth with future generations we have not met.

Video Link:


My friend from YAP  (Young Ambassadors Program) Gao Jingyu has worked closely with the Asia Institute. He wrote from  Beijing:

“Yesterday the hottest news on Chinese media was an documentary on the environment made and sponsored independently by a well-known woman journalist. She conducted remarkable in-depth research about the smog that is engulfing China.

Some of the issues touched on such as governance and inefficiency in the energy industry were previously considered so sensitive that noone would dare to expose them. But with Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign in full swing these days the whole story has come out. The video has been re-tweeted over 30 million times, and more, and it is being discussed everywhere in the country. This is the first time I came to feel a strong civic common sense—such as I’ve never experienced before, at least in China. I expect this film can have as much impact as the Rachel Carson’s book “Silent Spring” did for the United States now in my country.

All I can say is


 Hope the English translation of this documentary will be released shortly on YouTube.”

It is a very exciting moment to see such enthusiasm, but not a moment too soon. I have seen such devotion among the members of Future Forest 未来林 in the past and it has inspired me. For me it feels like this might be the first step towards China playing a true leadership role.

And in an odd sense, I think this marks the end of the Cultural Revolution legacy. Read more of this post